#RuthlessTourism - Break the Chains of Abuse

Animal abuse for wildlife tourism is happening now, right on our doorstep. From festivals to zoos, circuses or for selfies, animals across Europe are suffering for our entertainment.

Only through a collective effort, and by spreading the word to others, can we improve the tourism industry and protect the world’s most vulnerable species.

You can have a say in this. Take and share the pledge now, help protect animals today.

☐ I will not take selfies, walks or rides with any wild animals

☐ I will avoid places where you can feed the animals or watch them perform tricks

☐ I will not buy any souvenirs made with animal parts

☐ I will do my research and investigate if the venues I visit have an animal welfare policy or if they offer interactions with wild animals

I stand with FOUR PAWS. I pledge to never take part in activities that can cause harm to animals.